Land Use Application

Thank you to everyone who attended the in-person meeting to learn more about the final application for 2501 Richmond, ahead of its consideration by the Calgary Planning Commission (CPC). 

The session provided:

  •  An overview of the final application, which remains consistent with the presentation from November 2024, with only minor changes and technical edits. 
  • An opportunity for participants to ask questions and gain additional insights into the application. 
  • Responses to questions and feedback received since our last meeting in November 2024. 

Presentation Materials 
You can view the materials from the event, including the latest outline plan, here 

For those who were unable to attend or wish to revisit the session, the presentation recording is now available, here 

Thank you to those who attended the virtual information session on November 5, 2024. The project team appreciates the questions and comments shared during the session and by email.

Minto is pleased to provide recent updates on the application;

  • The Sanitary Servicing Study has been reviewed and accepted by the City of Calgary.
  • To answer your questions, a Questions & Responses document has been prepared to provide clarity and understanding of project elements.  

Review the materials:

The accepted Sanitary Servicing Study can be viewed here.

The Questions & Responses document can be viewed here.

Thank you for attending the recent virtual information session, where we shared updates on the resubmitted land use application (LOC2023-0359) for 2501 Richmond. We appreciate the thoughtful questions and comments shared by participants. 

The project team will prepare a Q&A document to address the inquiries received, which will be shared with all participants. If you have further questions or comments, please continue to reach out to Minto at 

If you couldn’t join the session, please find the materials below for your review: 

View the meeting recording 

View the presentation 

Minto Communities appreciates the valuable feedback we have received since sharing the revised concept in June 2024. Thank you to everyone who participated during the City’s extended comment period and engaged with the 2501 Richmond project team.

As part of the approval process, the City has compiled its technical and public comments and issued a second Detailed Review letter (DR2). You can view it here.

Next Steps:
With the technical review from the City, and community feedback on the revised concept, the project team will update the application for resubmission this fall. The feedback submitted to Minto will be summarized in an updated What We Heard report and we will share how the feedback was used to refine the application.

Stay tuned to for future updates.

Minto Communities appreciates your participation in the process. Here’s how you can continue to share your thoughts and help shape the future of 2501 Richmond: 

  • Extended Comment Period: The City has extended their comment period until August 30, 2024. You can submit your comments via the City’s development map, found here 
  • Direct Feedback to Minto: You can submit your feedback directly to Minto Communities through our online feedback form. The comments submitted to Minto will be summarized and shared with the community and the City.  


Minto Communities is pleased to share that the 2501 Richmond land use application (LOC2023-0359) has been resubmitted to the City of Calgary on July 5, 2024. Following the resubmission, the City will undertake its technical review and circulation. The application supporting information document can be viewed here.

Share your feedback on the revised concept via our online feedback form here.

Thank you for attending the Virtual Information Session. The 2501 Richmond project team has updated the initial concept and is preparing to resubmit our application to the City this summer. The information session shared the revised concept plan, shadow studies, and details on the resubmitted Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA). In addition to the project team, representatives from the City of Calgary transportation team attended to share information and answer questions.

Review the materials:

The information session presentation and the Transportation Impact Assessment are available to view under project resources.

Unable to attend? You can view the information session recording here.

To share your questions or comments with the project team, please fill out our online feedback form.

Minto Communities greatly appreciates the thoughtful and robust feedback we have received from both the community and the City throughout the process. We are pleased to share the “What We Heard” report, which summarizes the feedback we have gathered since November 2023 and previews how that feedback is changing the application.

The “What We Heard” report includes:

  • An overview of the recently resubmitted Transportation Impact Assessment.
  • Responses to the City’s comments on the November 2023 application.
  • An overview of the comments and questions received from the community since November 2023.
  • Insights into the direction we are taking with the next concept.

You can view the What We Heard report here.

A series of community conversations were held in-person and virtually between April 3 – 18, 2024. The 2501 Richmond project team provided the latest updates and heard your thoughts on the commercial amenities, benefits to the community, building scale and more.

Participants were able to register for the small group sessions:

  • April 3, 5-6pm: Virtual Session
  • April 4, 12-1pm: Central Library, Room 3-20A (Idea Lab) (800 3 St SE)
  • April 8, 5-6pm: Killarney-Glengarry Community Association (2828 28 St SW)
  • April 10, 12-1pm: Virtual session
  • April 11, 5-6pm: Richmond Knob Hill Community Association (2433 26 Ave SW)
  • April 17, 4-5pm: Virtual Session
  • April 18, 5-6pm: Veranda at the Stables (#200, 2566 Flanders Ave SW)

The survey is now closed. Thank you for participating.

The 2501 Richmond project team appreciates the thoughtful and robust feedback we have received from the community and the City on the preliminary concept. Now that we have received community comments and technical review from the City, the project team is completing further technical analysis, providing more opportunities for community input, and updating our application for resubmission later this Spring.  

The 2501 Richmond project team appreciates the thoughtful and robust feedback we have received from the community and the City on the preliminary concept. Click here to view the anticipated application timeline. The timeline identifies a typical process for a land use application of this scale. Our next steps include:

  • Sharing a summary of the feedback and responses to the frequently asked questions we received on the preliminary concept.
  • Future engagement with the community on key themes that emerged through our first round of outreach. We look forward to sharing more details shortly.
  • Now that we have received community comments and technical review from the City, the project team will undertake further analysis and update the application to reflect this feedback.

We encourage you to continue sharing your questions and comments with us at and stay tuned to for future updates.

The 2501 Richmond project team appreciates your time and feedback at the virtual and in-person information sessions. Share your thoughts on the project by Wednesday, January 31, 2024 through our online feedback form:

Click here to share your feedback

View the information session materials below:

Virtual Information SessionNovember 29, 2023

View the virtual presentation recording

View the virtual presentation slides

In-Person Information Session November 30, 2023

View the in-person session project boards

All feedback submitted to Minto will be summarized in a What We Heard report and considered by the project team as the plan is refined. We will continue to share what we hear and how stakeholder feedback influences the plan. Stay tuned to for future updates.

Thank you for attending the information session. If you were unable to attend, please review the materials under project resources. We encourage you to complete our online feedback form and share your thoughts by Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

Online Feedback Form